
Our curriculum is designed so that the learning pathway of all students is broad, balanced, and appropriate.

The curriculum has strong foundations in the National Curriculum and prepares students for the demands of the GCSE courses followed in year 10 and 11. As such, we do not think in terms of Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 anymore but rather in terms of a 5-year curriculum journey. We operate a two week timetable based on 48 1 hour lessons with 20 minutes of tutor time a day as well.

The intention that lies behind the curriculum is to enable our students to experience the fullness of life promised by Jesus when He told His disciples that he had come ‘that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ (John 10:10)

In Years 7-9 all students study RE, English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Drama, Food Technology, French or Spanish, Computing, Music, PE, Technology and PHSCE (Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education).

As students move into Year 10 they are given the opportunity to follow certain subjects. All students follow a core curriculum of RE, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, and Science as well as core PE. Our current option offer can be viewed here.

Finally when students reach our 6th form they will then study 3 ‘A’ Level subjects as well as core RE lessons. Our current sixth form offer can be found here.

All students are placed in tutor groups and in years 7, 8 and 9 they are taught in these mixed ability groups for many lessons. We do set students in year 8 for Maths, Science and Modern Foreign Languages. This is extended in year 9 into further sets for English. Many of our sets are based on our idea of social setting to ensure all students achieve and make progress.


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