School Apps

Firefly Student Planner App Now Available

The Firefly Student Planner app is now available for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and for Android. It allows students to access their school timetable and homework from their tablet or smart phone.

As soon as a teacher sets a homework, sends a message or recommends a bookmark it is pushed to the device keeping all students up to date.

Students log in using their school email address and password and this then also provides them access to their Firefly dashboard and bookmarks without having to log in again.

Download the Firefly Student Planner from the App Store or Download the app for Android from Google Play

Getting started

To start using the app you will need to know your school’s code: CHRISTOFIDELIS

Firefly For Parents

Firefly is also a must for parents as you can set up your own log in. This allows you to access all the information that you need to know including progress, homework, achievement, behaviour and attendance.

To set up your account go to and click on the Firefly link at the top of the home page. Activate your account by clicking on the green bar at the bottom of the Firefly log in page.

Enter the email address the school already holds on record for you, then select Activate account. An email is sent to you.

Further information can be found at;

Students – ICT Remote Access

Our school system is cloud based and students are able to access their Home Drive via Microsoft One Drive. To login, click the link below and access is granted using school email address and password.

Sign in – Microsoft OneDrive (

Access At Home

Access to Firefly

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