We endeavour to ensure that all students with SEND achieve their potential, are fully included within the school community and are provided with every opportunity to make a successful transition to adulthood as confident and successful young people.
The Trinity team support students who experience barriers to learning and have difficulty accessing the curriculum. The department works closely with pastoral staff, teachers and parents to ensure that the students’ individual needs are met.
Students are supported through high quality inclusive teaching practices. Some students require more bespoke support within school, an overview of this can be found below. Support is usually focused on one or two priority intervention strands to reduce overload and to enable an unambiguous ‘Assess, Plan, Do Review’ process, the impact of which can be evaluated in school.
The department is staffed by a team of highly experienced teachers, Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) and Teaching Assistants (TAs) with a variety of graduate and post-graduate qualifications and expertise. Colleagues offer skills in teaching, numeracy, counselling and in subject specialisms. They work to maximise individual student potential and remove all barriers to success, taking pride in their friendly, person-centred approach.
A comprehensive programme of extra-curricular support activities is offered to boost individual students’ academic independence, a list of our current extra-curricular clubs is provided below. A number of visiting experts also support the work of the department, including educational psychologists, speech and language therapists and professionals from Young Peoples’ Services.
The department has a 15 place Autism Resource Centre (The ARC) which the Education Authority has responsibility for allocating students to.
For more information, please contact our SENDco, Mrs J. Wraige, wraigej@christofidelis.org.uk or alternatively, our Teacher of Autism Provision Mr N. Cross, crossn@christofidelis.org.uk