The School also became a founding member of the Chester Catholic Academies Partnership on conversion 1 March 2013 and as such is required to publish the following documents;
The academy trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The charitable company’s memorandum and articles of association are the primary governing documents of the academy trust. The Trustees of The Chester Catholic Academies Partnership are also the Directors of the charitable company for the purposes of company law. The partnership currently has only one member school; The Catholic High School, Chester (the “Academy”).
The meaning of ‘trustee’, ‘director’ and ‘governor’
They are the people responsible under the academy trust’s articles of association for controlling its management and administration. They have responsibility for directing its affairs, and for ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the trust’s charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public.
Multi-academy trusts have different governance arrangements because they are established to oversee and manage more than one academy. They typically have members, trustees, and local governing bodies. Individuals who sit on a local governing body at a constituent academy in a multi-academy trust may not necessarily be trustees of that overall trust, but can have duties delegated to them by the trustees.
The following Trustees are appointed: B Larkin (Chairman) appointed 25/1/2013 and Mrs C McKeagney (Head Teacher Ex officio) appointed 1/9/2019, Jane Johnson (Chair of Governors Ex officio), Bishop Mark Davies (appointed 1 April 2016) as a Person of Significant Control. None of the Trustess have any pecuniary interests related to The Chester Catholic Academies Partnership.
Former Trustees in the last 12 months: Mrs M Griffiths-Parr
The meaning of ‘member’
The members of an academy trust have a different status from the trustees. The members are the subscribers to the trust’s memorandum of association, and any other individuals permitted to become members under its articles of association. Members have an overview of the governance arrangements of the trust and have the power to appoint trustees and remove these trustees.
Company members: Bishop Mark Davies, Diocesan Bishop/Secretary appointed 25/1/2013, Very Rev D. Roberts, Signatory/Bishop’s Appointment appointed 25/1/2013, Carol Lawrence appointed 1/10/2018, Canon Jonathan Brandon appointed 9/12/2024, Mr Richard Woods appointed 9/12/2024.
The Chester Catholic Academies Partnership is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. This means we are regulated by the Department for Education rather than the Charity Commission. Our academy is funded by the Department for Education on a per pupil basis in the same way as maintained schools. We also have a mandatory obligation to publish our annual Reports and Financial Statements – click here >